Polysep Green Oil Water Separators 2 – 65 M3/Min

Keep the environment clean with PolySep Green. Our efficient oil water separators offers a new modular approach allowing you to size and scale the unit as needed. PolySep Green also features specially coated Zeolite adsorption media that withdraws and permanently adsorbs all lubricants, especially highly emulsified ones like polyglycols that are difficult to separate without the use of expensive, oversized separators.

Proven PolySep Zeolite Filtration Media works with all lubricants, including Ultra Coolant
Removes virtually everything from water, including mineral oils, PAOs, polyolesters, diesters and polyglycols
Designed to handle all condensate flow requirements up to 380 liters/hour (100 gallons/hour), even in hot and humid environments
Zeolite adsorption media has a long life, only needing to be replaced once a year or after 4,000 hours of operation
Complies with environmental regulations by minimizing fluid disposal costs
Minimal maintenance required, resulting in no mess or overflow


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